showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Superchess  CP Software (Deep Thought Software)1984 labelimageminimize
3-D Voicechess  CP Software (Deep Thought)1985 labelimageminimize
Cyrus II Chess  Amsoft;CDS Software (Intelligent Chess Software)1985 labelimageminimize
Masterchess  Amsoft;Mikro-Gen1985 labelimageminimize
Colossus Chess 4  CDS Software1986 labelimageminimize
Master Chess  Mastertronic1987Masterchess has been designed to be a no-frills chess playing program of advanced ability which is easy to use. Special emphasis has been placed on providing facilities useful to those wishing to improve their game as well as just pass a pleasant hour or three.

To this end it is possible to review an entire game step-by- step, or re-arrange the pieces to make a point, or even build up a position starting with a blank board. Handy for solving chess problems
or practicing your end game!

Early in the development of Masterchess, the 3-D, or perspective, view of the chess board was investigated and discarded. It is difficult to use on-screen and wastes a large amount of memory. The savings have gone into strengthening the computer opponent.***
GM Chess Camel Micros1988 labelimageminimize
The Chessmaster 2000 The Software Toolworks;U.S. Gold (Gamart)1990 labelimageminimize
Echecs Pour Trois Wizcat WCM1991Chess variant specifically designed for 3 players. labelimagesubject